If you’re tired of waiting for people and circumstances in your life to change so you can finally go after your mid-life dreams... this is the podcast for you. In each episode, you’ll learn ways to break free from struggle, reconnect to joy, master more of who you are meant to be, and start living your limitless life. This is the ’Joy, Self Mastery, and Living Your Limitless Life’ podcast where women just like you make mid-life their best life yet. Welcome! I’ve got something amazing for you to start your journey with. Click here and access the Joy Reconnection Quiz. https://www.janellejai.com/joy-quiz/

Thursday May 19, 2022
Episode 8-Reaching Your Goals Without the Hustle and Grind
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Did you know it's completely possible to reach your goals without having to hustle and grind? In this episode, I share why hustle and grind feels so terrible and how you can create your business and in fact, all your goals, from fun, joy, and ease, and I share how.
If you want to go deeper into this you can access my masterclass replay here. And if you know you are ready to create your goals in a new way without the hustle and worry and in an effortless way book a call with me and I’ll show you how to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be so you can make that impossible midlife goal and bring it into epic existence. The link to my calendar is https://calendly.com/janelle-jai/ds

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Midset Minute- The Misuse of Faith and Belief.
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Episode 7- What’s Really Holding You Back
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
When I was starting my business I felt like I'd never sign consistent clients and make consistent money. I felt like I'd never be able to help the way I knew I truly could and I felt like I'd never find my way out of my corporate career and into my coaching business.
There are many reasons we think we aren't able to reach our goal and they almost all fit under these five categories and they apply to any goal, but none of them are the reason why you aren't reaching your goal.
Why does it matter? Because when you understand what is going on in your mind you can catch it when it shows up and choose to keep the reason or replace it. You don't have to keep spinning in the same thoughts and actions.
In this podcast, I'm sharing these five areas with you and the one real reason you are missing the mark and it's probably not what you think.
Book a Success Strategy Call with me here https://calendly.com/janelle-jai/ds
And get the replay of the Elevate 3 Day Masterclass here-https://www.janellejai.com/elevate-masterclass-replay/

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Episode 6-Finding Freedom
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
In this episode, I share what freedom is for me, how I found freedom, and 4 keys to finding freedom.
Freedom comes when we elevate ourselves. If you are ready to elevate yourself and ultimately find freedom for you join me April 19-21 for the Elevate 3-day masterclass where I'll dive deep into these keys to freedom so you can take action from an elevated place and create the results you want in your life and business. Join and get all the details here janellejaicoaching.com/elevate.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Episode 4- Calendaring for Powerful Results
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Ever get to the end of the week and feel like you haven't made the progress you wanted to?
Are you clear on the outcomes you want to have at week's end or are you taking action and getting the same results?
Is your calendar one big to-do list that you never complete but keep it because you love checking things off and really it's the only way you get things done?
Do Mondays excite you? Does planning and calendaring feel fun? Does it connect you to the spirit of your business?
In this episode, I share my system for creating weeks I can get excited about AND will get you the results you want so you can make greater leaps in achieving your mid-life goals in business and life.
Join me for the Elevate event register here https://janellejaicoaching.com/elevate

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Relationships are important when you are building a business or going for any big goal or dream, but the relationship I'm talking about in this episode really is everything.
Like any relationship, this one is fostered by ongoing love and communication and it is all in your control.
Podcast mentions:
The Faith and Belief Lab Facebook Group
Don't miss my next event- Elevate Masterclass

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Episode 2- Where Your Results Come From
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
If you're like me you probably believe your results come from the action you take. I was raised to believe if I wanted success I had to endure, push through, hustle, grind, do hard things. But this isn't where results come from.
In this episode, I'll share the belief I had about results and what I believe now that is moving me into new and amazing results with more fun, joy, ease, and trust.
Creating Your Goal Achieving, Money Making Emotions and Why It Matters https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fiercely-flipping-50/id1466848057?i=1000538723171
Attitude is Your Compass to Success https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fiercely-flipping-50/id1466848057?i=1000550832574

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Episode- 2 Attitude is Your Compass to Success
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Join me this week as I share what attitude is and how it is the compass to success and an example in my life.
Attitude probably isn't what you think it is. There are almost always going to be circumstances outside of you that will impact your attitude if you let it, but I'm offering a model for seeing how those circumstances shape your attitude so you can take back control over your attitude and your success.

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Episode 1-Mid-Life Made Simple
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
This is the first episode in the relaunch of my podcast. In this podcast, I share what making mid-life simple means to me.
Also, connect with me in my Facebook Group
The Belief Lab for Mid-Life+ Coaches
or on Instagram at Janelle_formyfamily

Monday Dec 06, 2021
Belief Systems and Paradigms
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
In this episode, I go deeper into what belief systems and paradigms are and why they matter. When we know what the paradigms are that are giving us the results we don't want we can choose new ones and start getting the results we do want.
If you want to go deeper, join me for my Masterclass the next 3 Wednesdays The 3-part Framework for Manifesting your Goals where I'll be going even deeper on this topic and sharing with you a powerful tool to help you overcome your paradigms. Join here bit.ly/manifesting-framework.