If you’re tired of waiting for people and circumstances in your life to change so you can finally go after your mid-life dreams... this is the podcast for you. In each episode, you’ll learn ways to break free from struggle, reconnect to joy, master more of who you are meant to be, and start living your limitless life. This is the ’Joy, Self Mastery, and Living Your Limitless Life’ podcast where women just like you make mid-life their best life yet. Welcome! I’ve got something amazing for you to start your journey with. Click here and access the Joy Reconnection Quiz. https://www.janellejai.com/joy-quiz/

Friday Jun 25, 2021
Becoming & Your Cybernetic System
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
In today's episode, we're going to talk about becoming. Becoming the person who has the result you want. I also share how the cybernetic system within you keeps you from becoming and how to know what your work is to overcome it.
Don't miss the Mindset Master class where we will go deeper with this topic and more. Register here https://www.janellejai.com/mindset-masterclass/
Want to talk with me about working together on your goals, self-image, and beliefs so you can get the results you've been longing to get? Email me here janelle@janellejai.com
Want a free 20-minute mini-session to get you unstuck and back in action book here https://calendly.com/janelle-jai/ds

Monday May 24, 2021
Self-Image & A Client Miracle Story
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
In this episode, I dive into self-image and creating the self-image, your shero's image, so you can begin stepping into her now.
This is important to reaching your goal because until you create an image of yourself with the results you desire and start stepping into that image, you will continue to get the same results you have now.
I’m always telling my clients If you were this version of you now you would already have the results you want but none of us are in the beginning. Today I want to get you started figuring it out.
I love the saying, “If you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand”. Our desires and our self-image both begin with an image in our minds. We all want to change something in our lives and most people think that what we want can change without us changing and that simply isn’t possible. We always have to change within first and then the results will follow.
Listen in. Be ready to take notes and write the exercise question down so you can answer them and don't forget to access the short Shoes of Success Meditation recording I am sharing with you here
If you're ready to work with me to create your miracle story, book a call here or email me at janelle@janellejai.com

Friday May 07, 2021
4 Self-Confidence Hacks That Will 10x Your Self-Confidence.
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
Today I’m sharing with you a few self-confidence hacks that will transform the confidence you have in yourself.
I also want to tell you that next week starts the 5-Day Self-Confidence Challenge. I’ll be diving into all of these self-confidence hacks and a few more on a deeper level. You don’t want to miss this challenge.
It is jam-packed with information and activities that will uplevel your confidence in only one week. In fact, these keys to confidence I’m sharing are what I teach my private clients, and each of them on their own will have you feeling more confident by day's end.
Join the challenge here

Friday Apr 23, 2021
The Right and Wrong Way to Reach Your Goals
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
We all want to find the right way to get the results we want. When we believe there is a right way then our minds tell us there is a wrong way. In this episode, I going to share the right and wrong way so you never have to worry about it again and you can move forward with the actions you need to take.

Monday Apr 12, 2021
Becoming the Person Who Reaches the Goal
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
The goal isn't what you think it is. It's not signing clients or making a certain amount of money. It's not seeing a certain number on the scale. It's not getting the new job.
The goal IS becoming the person who reaches the goal. In this podcast I'll share a process I walk my 1:1 clients through to discover who she is now and who she will become when she reaches the goal. It will reveal the work you need to do to reach the goal.
This is how you become the person who has the results. It’s part of the formula I teach to bring that impossible goal into epic existence.
It’s creating clarity and self-confidence which comes from deciding differently than you ever have. Committing 100% and creating the results you want.
If you’re ready to take these steps I’m ready to help you. You can sign up for a FREE call with me to get all your questions answered about how my program works and if it’s a fit for you. Sign up here. https://calendly.com/janelle-jai/ds
Here's an extra bonus here. If you are struggling to answer the question for the image of the future you, I created a meditation to help you. I call it Stepping into the shoes of success. You can access that here https://soundcloud.com/user-966776960-3230783
If you are curious about coaching with me or know you are ready to go all-in on this work of becoming the person who has the results. Deciding, committing, and creating the clarity and self-confidence that she has then book that free call. It’s how all my clients start. https://calendly.com/janelle-jai/ds

Friday Apr 02, 2021
Questions That Will Move You Forward
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
The questions that we ask ourselves are powerful tools we can use in our lives. They direct our brain to think in new ways and create the results we want or don't. Asking high-quality, empowering questions, we create inspiring and creative answers that will move you forward toward achieving your goals.
This week, I will explain how to start asking the right questions that will give you the answers to help you steer your goal in the right direction.

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Making Friends with Fear
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Fear is the number one reason we never reach our goals. In this podcast, I will share with you how to make friends with fear so you can stay in the driver's seat and not let the fear slow you down.
Want to get some inspiration and motivation from me a few times a week via text message? It’s like coaching. In these texts, I will share some of my best goal creating, money-making thoughts, feelings, and questions I ask myself and my clients. These messages will inspire, motivate & coach you into new ideas, insights, and actions. They are intended to help you get more clarity, more committed and more self-confidence so you can take that impossible goal and being it into empic existance.

Monday Dec 21, 2020
15 Minutes to Solve Your Overwhelm
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
In this episode I share with you where overwhelm comes from and how to create ease and fun (or whatever emotions you choose) instead.
I've got lots of free, fun trainings and information to share with you in the new year. The best way to not miss out on the details about all if it is to get on my list. You can do that right here janellejai.com/free-stuff Don't miss out on the details.
If you are curious about coaching with me, investing in yourself, and creating a life you never dreamed possible in 2021 get on a FREE call with me here and we'll discuss all the details. https://calendly.com/janelle-jai/ds

Friday Dec 11, 2020
How to Take More Action
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Taking the action you want to take can sometimes feel hard and frustrating. In this episode, I share what stops you from taking the action you want to take and how to get back into action so you can achieve the results you want in your life, body, and business.
If you are ready to work with a coach or just curious about what it would be like to work with a coach let's talk. It's a free conversation. Book a time with me here https://calendly.com/janelle-jai/ds

Friday Dec 04, 2020
How To Be Happier
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Listen in this week as I talk about how to manage your feelings and emotions so you can experience more happiness in your life.
If you want to take this work deeper and create a life that is better than happy book a free call with me here https://calendly.com/janelle-jai/ds